Monday, June 25, 2007

The Language of Hysterectomy

The language of Hysterectomy has a vocabulary most of us are unfamiliar with. To understand the recommendation of doctors to women requires translation from the Language of Medicine to the Language of Hysterectomy.

The easiest way to learn the vocabulary of a foreign language is to begin with a Glossary, a definition of the commonly used words in the language.


cas.trate (kas-trate) – removal of gonads, the ovaries or testicles

cor.pus (corp-us) – body of the uterus

crime – An act considered morally wrong. A shameful, unwise, or regrettable act.

fi.broid (fi broyd) – benign growth of muscle and connective tissue that grow until menopause, when they slowly and gradually shrink to a negligible size, becoming small and calcified. The average size of the uterus including fibroids in the late thirties to early forties is a ten to twelve week pregnancy size (about 11cm in the largest dimension), in the middle forties fourteen to sixteen weeks is average (about 15cm in the largest dimension), and in the late forties to early fifties eighteen to twenty weeks is average about 19cm in the largest dimension. Fibroids have two rapid growth spurts that are natural, predictable, and not a cause for alarm, the first in the late thirties to early forties, the second when the hormone changes associated with the beginning of menopause occur, then they slowly and gradually shrink to a negligible size. Estrogens and progesterone stimulate fibroid growth. Not a disease, they are part of the genetic blueprint

fraud (frahd) – the crime of obtaining money or some other benefit by deliberate deception

fun.dus (fun-dus) – the upper rounded extremity of the uterus above the openings of the uterine (fallopian) tubes

GNP – Gross National Product

go.nad (go-nad) – ovary or testis (his-ter-e`ktoe-me) - removal of the uterus; complete removal of the corpus and cervix; disassembling of the structural integrity of the pelvis; removal of a hormone producing sex organ that supports the bladder and the bowel
abdominal – incision in the abdominal wall, uterus pulled out of the body through the vagina or the abdomen
laparoscopic assisted vaginal – razor edged cylinders pushed into the pelvis into which scopes and cutting devices are inserted to sever ligaments, nerves and blood supply to the uterus which is pulled out of the vagina or the uterus is morcellated (cut into small pieces) and pulled bit by bit through the navel
radical – complete removal of the uterus, cervix, upper vagina, and parametrium
subtotal (partial, supracervical) – removal of the fundus of the uterus, leaving the cervical stump
vaginal – uterus pulled out through the vagina without incising the wall of the abdomen. SYN colpohysterectomy, vaginohysterectomy (I-at-row-jenik) – resulting from the activity of physicians, any adverse condition in a patient occurring as the result of treatment by a physician or surgeon

informed consent – agreement to undergo an operation or medical treatment after being fully informed of and having understood the risks and adverse effects involved (lap-a-rossko-pee) – after incision into the navel and insertion of a trocar (cylinder with a razor sharp edge that is pushed into the navel), the abdomen is inflated with gas, the scope inserted into the abdomen and pelvis via the trocar (mi-o-mek-toe-me) – surgical removal of fibroids leaving the uterus intact (mu-ti-lashun) – an act, the process, or the result of inflicting serious injury on a person or part of somebody by removing or destroying essential parts of the body

NPO – nil per os, nothing by mouth (oof-or-e`kto-me) - castration, removal of both ovaries; unilateral, removal of one ovary

pedunculated (pa-dunk-u-lated) – a vascularized (blood supply) stalk (simbi-osis) – A close association not always of mutual benefit

TAH/BSO – total abdominal hysterectomy is surgical removal of the uterus and cervix and bilateral 

                       salpingo-oophorectomy is surgical removal of the ovaries, the female gonads, which 
                       is castration (u-ter-us) – a hormone producing sex and reproductive organ supporting the bladder and the bowel

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At September 10, 2007 at 8:28 AM , Blogger Gracie said...

I remember the day I was listening to a Joan Rivers Show and heard that removal of the ovaries was castration. Oh My God, my doctor wouldn't have castrated me. I kept saying Oh God, could he have castrated me. I was 44 years old and never knew removing the ovaries was castration. How could I not know this! If my surgeon would have said I am going to castrate you I would have never had the surgery. That word is a strong word and should be used everytime a doctor is about to remove your ovaries. There would be alot less surgeries. Would a doctor castrate a man? Why are we letting them castrate us? Lets start saying no to castration.

At May 17, 2009 at 10:33 PM , Blogger Save The Cats Of Monesson! said...

I am now consulting with attorneys and making sure my records don't vanish after I was castrated and gutted for something that was not cancerous and over me & my husbands objections and against what we both stated we wanted done.
Butchers, you forgot the word Butchers, and eugenicists.
I was destroyed November 12 2008.And there is nobody left but a shell.

At July 31, 2011 at 5:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Pam Paley in Seattle Washington removed my uterus and cervix for no medical reason. I am posting this on as many websites as I can. It helps to feel like I am being heard. Also if you had a davinci procedure you can post your experience on their website under patient experience.


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